So who is behind this website?
Good question…. I grew up a tomboy with a bit of an adventurous streak in a small town in Styria, a province of Austria, where I spent the first 20 years of my life. Before the age of 20 I had traveled to about 15 countries which is not all that difficult, considering that the distances are much smaller in Europe than in North America. My favourite job back home was working for Avis Rent-A-Car as a car jockey, transferring rental cars from all over Europe back to the local rental station in Graz.
I always had a bit of a cosmopolitan bent to me and this manifested itself in my love for languages. During high school I learned English, French and Latin in addition to my native German. After high school I decided to enroll at the University of Graz in English and Spanish translation and interpretation studies. My life-long love for languages continues to evolve – I have also studied Italian and am now trying to crack the Russian language.
During my academic studies I decided to spend some time in an English speaking country and in 1986 I was able to get a work permit as a translator, working for an automotive company in Toronto, Canada. While living in Canada, I realized that Toronto was a pretty cool place, as it is one of the most multi-cultural places in the world. I fell in love with the city and am still here, after more than a quarter century.
Susanne Pacher, creator of
Toronto and its unique multicultural ambience, have had a significant impact on me and have shaped the way I view the world today. As a matter of fact, issues of cultural exchange and understanding are very dear to my heart.
I spent most of my twenties working and studying, completing two business degrees in the evening while working full time. After several years in the corporate world, I founded Textronics Communications Ltd. in 1990, which has over the years morphed into a corporate language and translation services business that today provides language services in all languages and subject matters.
But despite having a business background and running a small business, there was another side to me, a side which I did not really nurture for almost 20 years: there was an explorer, a traveller and adventurer hidden inside me that just yearned to come out. So as part of my early midlife crisis, I didn’t get myself a Porsche, but I decided to go out and create a website.
Since 2004, I have been dedicating myself to building – an expanding internet portal about unique travel, cross-cultural connections and interesting life journeys. Along the way I have had a chance to explore some off-the-beaten-track places in destinations such as Buenos Aires, Havana, New York City, San Francisco, London, Paris, Rome, Madrid, Prague and countless more. I have had the opportunity to learn about different cultures and societies, and to connect with amazing people in so many places that have left a deep impression on me. Travel truly continues to broaden my horizon and enhance my journey in human life.
On this journey, I have made many friends across the world, in real life and, more recently, online, due to an active presence on social media websites such as Facebook, Flickr and Youtube. My goal for the future is to create a network of like-minded people who enjoy travelling, exploring the world and building connections with people from other places. And for those who do not have the opportunity to travel much themselves, I intend Travel and Transitions to become a great place for armchair travel and for virtual explorations of the world.
“Life is a Journey – Explore New Horizons”
Playlist of My Favourite Travel Videos: