This is the second in a series that will review the Rolling Rains Travel & Disability Links collection at Suite 101.This piece examines the category of links here in the Travel & Disability section,”Rights of Travelers with Disabilities.”
The list is meant as a starting point that includes good examples for travelers and policymakers alike.Certainly there are laws and policies–some less than helpful–that are not referenced in this list.You may go directly to the link list,which includes clickable links to the sites mentioned:
ADA Homepage
The U.S.government’s portal on the Americans with Disabilities Act.Use it or lose it! Australian Disability Legislation
For those who understand legal-speak,here is the text of the Australian DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION ACT 1992.
The official U.S.government portal on disability policy.Self-described as “the comprehensive Federal website of disability-related government resources.” A very good resource for learning self-advocacy.
EU Documents on the Human Rights of People with Disabilities
The official European Union documents on rights of persons with disabilities
FAA Site: Air Carriers Access Act of 1986
Straight from the source.The U.S.government’s resource page for air travelers with disabilities covering the Air Carriers Access Act.Boring as airplane food without ketchup–but good for you!
Golden Access Pass: Free Access to US National Parks
Scroll down this page until you find the Golden Access Pass section. Get one free! These passes can only be applied for in person at a National Park.To prove eligibility be sure to bring a letter of medical necessity,your state disabled parking placard,personal ID,etc.
Guide Dog Legislation of the World
This site is an ongoing project to document legislation on guide dogs.The information here is very useful for travelers who are blind.
iCan – Rights & Laws
This page has regularly updated content that includes articles on The Air Carrier Access Act,Airport Acessibility,How to File a Complaint,and numerous similar useful topics.You could get a good start on a graduate-level education in traveling with a disability studying this site! (U.S.- focussed information)
Justice for All Network
Stay on top of disability-specific news with a subscription to the Justice for All Network e-mail.”Justice For All was founded …in 1995…[and] hopes to be the preeminent e-mail information network in the disability community.To accomplish this goal,JFA will disseminate information not just about national disability policy issues but also about the broader domestic policy and political debates that shape disability-specific priorities.”
Spain: National Action Plan on Disability — 2003- 2007
A site to read,and comment upon,the national plan of action (II Plan de Acción para las personas con discapacidad 2003-2007) In Spanish.
Summary: Air Carriers Access Act
One of many excellent traveler’s resource articles available online made available by Accessible Journeys.
Transportation Security Administration: Travel & Service Animals
The U.S.federal government’s site on travel with service animals.
Transportation Service Administration: Portal on Travel
The federal government’s portal on travel from a security perspective. A general site not dealing exclusively with disability and travel.
Disability Discrimination Act
An FAQ on the Disability Discrimination Act.The interface is incompletely developed but an attempt was made to try to present the material in format accessible to screen readers.