My tour had come to an end and I thanked Jonatan for such a comprehensive and informative overview of Tlaquepaque. It was now after 3 pm and time for a late lunch. I strolled back to Calle Independencia to look for a nice restaurant to sit down in. So many Mexican buildings have gorgeous interior courtyards which provide a phenomenal atmosphere for any kind of hospitality establishment.
Sergio Bustamante shop in Tlaquepaque
I found one: aptly named “El Patio” restaurant, it is one of the most popular eateries in Tlaquepaque. From the traditional Mexican menu I chose a “sopa de flor de calabaza” (a pumpkin flower soup) and guacamole, a favourite of Mexican cuisine. A female mariachi band was serenading the patrons and playing several songs at certain tables and then moving on to other tables.
Female mariachi players in El Patio restaurant
This group of female musicians fascinated me, in their colourful outfits and their long floor-length skirts. I had a feeling this must be one of the few female mariachi bands in Mexico. I ended up purchasing a CD with their songs (Mujer Latina – Mariachi Femenil) while I enjoyed my meal in this romantic courtyard.
Female mariachi selling her CDs
After a brief rest back in my room at my host family’s house I ventured back out to meet my fellow students from the Guadalajara Language Center at a local bar called Café San Pedro which was located just opposite the Parián. My Canadian friends Turney, Bonnie and Joyce had already arrived, and my classmates Mike and George arrived shortly later. Spencer, a young financial analyst from Chicago, also joined us and soon enough all of us passionate travelers were talking about our favourite travel stories and destinations.
Guadalajara Language Center Students and I (far right) on our last night in Tlaquepaque
All of us were leaving tomorrow but we had all enjoyed our time in Guadalajara. We said goodbye at about 8:30 pm and I headed off for a night cap with the Canadian ladies to another restaurant. All of us exchanged email addresses so we would have a way of staying in touch after our return to Canada. How time was flying – my week in Guadalajara was rapidly coming to an end now I had one more weekend left in the colonial city of Morelia.