One of the things I do for the website is I continuously search out individuals and organizations that have accomplished unusual things or made special …
Gastown and My Final Explorations
After my extremely interesting walking tour of the Downtown East Side I decided to round out my exploration of the city with another bicycling trip. …
A Walking Tour Through the Downtown East Side
The University of British Columbia has a drop-in centre downtown in Vancouver’s East side called the Learning Exchange where it provides educational opportunities to people …
The Grouse Mountain Experience
No visit to Vancouver could be complete without a real mountain experience. So after covering the Servas conference I left at 2 pm for downtown. …
Wheeling around Stanley Park
Stanley Park is Vancouver’s famous urban paradise and I knew weeks in advance that I would need to explore it in detail, preferably on a …
Arrival in Vancouver
I left beautiful Victoria early yesterday morning at 8 am and took the Pacific Coachlines bus/ferry combination back to the mainland. It was another gorgeous …
Exploring Victoria and its Vicinity
Another perfect day with beaming blue skies, great temperatures and no humidity greeted me yesterday. After a lovely strengthening breakfast and some business issues, Clare …
Reaching the West Coast
Jetlag is an amazing thing. It’s barely after 5 am and I have already been reading for an hour an a half. So I figured …